My Journey in Faith........

Welcome to my very special place on the web.

Though my writings and artwork depict the pain and hopelessness of growing up in a dysfunctional alcoholic home, the horrors of child sexual abuse, and the pain which followed me into adulthood, this is still a place of peace and promise and full of new beginnings. This is my journey in in people, faith in myself, and most especially faith in God. Faith is believing that the candle's flickering flame will come to shine brightly, even though the path is dark.

When I began my journey, which was provoked by an adult crisis in my life, I had no idea where this path might lead. I was not even aware of how my past had damaged my ability to live a normal adult life. I was blessed with special people who entered my life, and who helped to guide me in my healing from the past. I also believe that God reached out to me through these people, and was there for me no matter how painful the path became.

My poetry is presented in chronological order, since that traces best my journey's healing path.

  • PART 1 contains a collection of my earlier poetry - some very painful to feel and to read, and some enlightening. Even in my darkest moments, I still felt God's presence.
  • PART 2 depicts the horrors of child sexual abuse, and how it felt for me to talk about the past with my therapist. The past would invade that safe sanctuary which was his office.
  • PART 3 is where I am now - I dealt with the past, processed it, and accepted that my past is a part of who I am. I can't say that I have passed the FINISH LINE, because life, for all of us, is a continuing journey. No doubt my past will rise again and trigger painful feelings, but I have the tools now to work through it, and to even be grateful because it has helped to make me the person I am today.
  • PART 4 is a new collection of pictures representing the pathways and portals to another place, another time, of limitless spaces for healing and peace. These doorways can lead us to our heavenly Father, to our inner selves, to a new adventure, to wherever we need to be.

There is a poem I found along the way, written by Saint John of the Cross, that I have kept close to my heart. I printed it below.

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The Dark Night

One dark night,
Fired with love's urgent longings
- Ah, the sheer grace! -
- I went out unseen,
- My house being now all stilled;

In darkness, and secure,
By the secret ladder, disguised,
- Ah, the sheer grace! -
In darkness and concealment,
My house being now all stilled;

On that glad night,
In secret, for no one saw me,
Nor did I look at anything,
With no other light or guide
Than the one that burned in my heart;

This guided me
More surely than the light of noon
To where He waited for me
-Him I knew so well-
In a place where no one else appeared.

O guiding night!
O night more lovely than the dawn!
O night that has united
The Lover with His beloved,
Transforming the beloved in her Lover.

Upon my flowering breast
Which I kept wholly for Him alone,
There He lay sleeping,
And I caressing Him
There in a breeze from the fanning cedars.

When the breeze blew from the turret
Parting His hair,
He wounded my neck
With His gentle hand,
Suspending all my senses.

I abandoned and forgot myself,
Laying my face on my Beloved;
All things ceased; I went out from myself,
Leaving my cares,
Forgotten among the lilies.

- Saint John of the Cross

A Journey in Faith
Created in 2001

Copyright 2001,2011 My Journey in Faith. All rights reserved.