My Poetry & Pictures

A New Path

Part 3:
A New Path

The Abyss
The Flame
Thank you
In a Safe World
Good News of Me
Dear God
My Father
My Father's House
Woman? .... Mother? Sculpture

Part 1:
My Journey

Part 2:
Sharing the Journey

Part 4:

Return to:
Home Page

My Father

I am not alone,
You, My Father, are beside me,
Your love encircles me,
Your hand guides me,
Your grace nourishes my soul,
You taught me to love,
My life, dear God,
I turn over to you.


My Father's house

The candles shine brightly in my Father's house,
They beckon me to enter this sacred place,
And leave my heavy burdens at the door,
Leave too, He implores, my worldly attachments,
And enter as the child I might once have been,
With eyes wide in wonderment and faith as pure
As only a child can know…

A Journey in Faith
was created 2001

Copyright 2001,2011 Journey in Faith. All rights reserved.