My Poetry & Pictures

A New Path

Part 3:
A New Path

The Abyss
The Flame
Thank you
In a Safe World
Good News of Me
Dear God
My Father
My Father's House
Woman? .... Mother? Sculpture

Part 1:
My Journey

Part 2:
Sharing the Journey

Part 4:

Return to:
Home Page

In a Safe World

Bells ring
Sun shines
Flowers grow
The child is born
Welcomed by a mother's arms
A father's tears of joy
A perfect child
With eyes that see
A mouth to speak
Ears to hear
A heart to love
Amidst joy and heartache
Failure and success
The child grows strong
enveloped in her parents' love
Protecting her from evil,
She grows confident,
She knows peace and joy and love,
She becomes a woman and a wife,
The bells ring, the sun shines,
She becomes a mother,
She smiles at the baby in her arms.


A Journey in Faith
was created 2001

Copyright 2001,20114 Journey in Faith. All rights reserved.