My Poetry

My Journey

Part 1:
My Journey

My Journey
My Path
Who am I? Dreams & The Crone
Emptiness & Grief
Coming Home
My Plea
God's Love
My Prayer
My Shadowland
His World
A Reflection
Your Gift
Shadow World
Spiritual Healing
Amends to Me
Give Thanks
Once Upon a Time

Part 2:
Sharing the Journey

Part 3:
A New Path

Part 4:

Return to:
Home Page

My Prayer

This world is often a sad and troubled place,
As so many turn their backs on You,
They search in vain for joy and fulfillment,
By clothing their world with riches,
But their souls grow ever emptier,
Since they did not make room for You.

The birthright that you gave us,
Entitles us all to joy and peace,
And by placing our faith in You,
We can endure the hurts and the trials
and overcome the stumbling blocks on the path,
For we know it is You who awaits us at the end.

We must first accept You as our God and Father.
If we can simply place our utmost faith in You,
and proceed to give over to You our lives,
along with our joys and accomplishments,
as well as the sorrows and troubles we face,
Your love and mercy will blanket us always.

I speak in terms of we and us,
Though I can control no one but me,
I know my newly found trust and faith
has lit the candle’s flame in me,
And by my word or my example,
I might ignite the flame in at least another.




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A Journey in Faith
was created 2001

Copyright 2001,2011 Journey in Faith. All rights reserved.