My Poetry

My Journey

Part 1:
My Journey

My Journey
My Path
Who am I? Dreams & The Crone
Emptiness & Grief
Coming Home
My Plea
God's Love
My Prayer
My Shadowland
His World
A Reflection
Your Gift
Shadow World
Spiritual Healing
Amends to Me
Give Thanks
Once Upon a Time

Part 2:
Sharing the Journey

Part 3:
A New Path

Part 4:

Return to:
Home Page


Today is a wondrous day!
God’s love is in the sunshine,
His spirit rides the wind,
His perfection is mirrored around me,
In the flowers, the clouds and the sky.
The burden of pain is always with me,
It’s part of my legacy here on earth.
But my soul feels blanketed at this moment,
with His healing strength and love,
His breath cleans away the pain,
which persists in clinging to my skin.
My past happened; I cannot change it,
My pain is real; I did not dream it.
I was a victim as a child; a victim as an adult.
The only blame that is my own,
is that I waited so long to reach for help.
I feel peaceful as I sit here,
as the warm sun soothes my soul,
And the breeze clears away some of the pain.
Though I continue to deal with my demons,
and lay the victim-me to rest,
The survivor-me emerges!
I’ve found the strength to accept His help,
God’s love has penetrated my soul,
The candle’s weak flame has taken hold!



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A Journey in Faith
was created 2001

Copyright 2001,2011 Journey in Faith. All rights reserved.