My Poetry

My Journey

Part 1:
My Journey

My Journey
My Path
Who am I? Dreams & The Crone
Emptiness & Grief
Coming Home
My Plea
God's Love
My Prayer
My Shadowland
His World
A Reflection
Your Gift
Shadow World
Spiritual Healing
Amends to Me
Give Thanks
Once Upon a Time

Part 2:
Sharing the Journey

Part 3:
A New Path

Part 4:

Return to:
Home Page

Your Gift

Your gift to us of life on earth
Is fraught with sadness and pain,
Whatever happened to love and peace?
Why must our world dwell on war and hate?

I sit in Your church; your peace fills my soul,
the music both soothes and excites me,
I feel safe and blanketed by Your love,
Though I know I am only a sinner.

I have learned from my pain and dark despair,
And I offer support to those who feel it now,
I try so hard to let them know,
That the peace they deserve can be found in You.

I love you God, with all my heart,
You showed me how to heal myself.
You held a candle and led the way,
You had faith in me when I had none.

I followed you even when I hurt,
And you led me to people just like me.
This time it is me who holds out a hand,
And leads another to Your embrace.

I can’t stop wars or end the cruelties of man,
but you have given me the tool of prayer,
And shown me how to reach out to a few,
Your presence makes this imperfect world beautiful,
...and I am so grateful to You for that.



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A Journey in Faith
was created 2001

Copyright 2001,2011 Journey in Faith. All rights reserved.